9 Golden Tips for Being a Successful Practitioner of any Healing Modality

Are you a part of a healing modality with which you help people come out of their emotional and health problems? Then this post is dedicated to all your efforts and the love you put into giving.

I am NLP and FasterEFT believer myself and I face many challenges when I conduct sessions at Educational Institutes or with individuals. I thought I should share a few of them and try to offer a probable solution.

My mom always told me that, “no matter what people say, keep on doing what makes you happy”. I follow that. Helping people is my passion and with the right tools, I am getting great success with it. It was not as easy as it sounds now. Phew! I learned a lot from this process.

What did I learn? Please allow me to tell you.

  1. Doubt: In my initial days, before every session, I used to feel doubtful if it was really going to work. This might be a common problem faced by practitioners. The best way to deal with this is to admit the existence of this feeling of doubt to ourselves and let it go using the same methods we use on clients. How can we help others if we don’t help ourselves? Doubt destroys our skills. So use the same skills to change the doubt. Complete the session and make yourself proud.
  2. Resistance from clients: Resistance is anything that makes us “not wanting to go there”. Clients avoid the sessions because they may feel that the session might bring up issues they are avoiding for years and years. This is also very common with a person. Who wants to experience unpleasant things no matter how important it is to let go? My suggestion: accept clients just the way they are with all their resistance. Remember that we all have been there. Everyone has the right to be miserable. Let the time speak. Work on their resistance first and then work on the actual issue. If this brings any stress in you then simply work on yourself again. You may use this simple tapping technique to deal with the stress of being a practitioner.
  3. You can’t save everyone: Yes you read it correct. You can’t save everyone and that’s OK. As a practitioner, we have to accept the fact that we can’t save every soul that is suffering because even if we are here to offer help some might not be ready to accept it. Help those who want it and leave those who can not accept the help at the moment.
  4. Working for free: Many of us may want to work for free because we are in the learning phase. This practice may act against us because time is valued when we charge for it. Time is money. As a practitioner, you must value your own time, because this will make the client value your time too. You may charge less but please charge something for your time. This will help you set your reputation from the beginning and you don’t have to start from zero when you get proficient in your healing modality. Another benefit is that, when we work for free, clients may take us very lightly and think that we are not that good. So they might want to skip the sessions. Don’t let this happen. Maintain your image of a professional.
  5. Identity crisis with the client: When we work with clients and address their problems they have been carrying for many years or months, they might face the “identity crisis”. As a practitioner, it is our responsibility to make sure that they are comfortable with the new identity. Re-imprint the memories to remove the identity crisis problem. Ask them again and again if they feel safe not having the same problem again. Why is this important? It is because if they are not OK being this new person without the problem they might go back to the same issue again and feel that your session was no value addition to their life. This will hamper your reputation and your healing modality. Please take care that it doesn’t happen if you want to have more business.
  6. Feeling drained after sessions: Sometimes, I feel drained after an intense session. I feel as if my energy got sucked from me. Taking good rest solves this problem. If it is not enough then try this simple solution. Few other things that work like magic are listening to happy songs or spending time with people who make you smile. Get a hobby and spend time doing things you love. This will refill your batteries. Keep the time between sessions for yourself. Ignoring this “energy drain” is not a good option. Mindfulness Meditation is the best option because it works for me every time. If you are tired then rest but don’t quit. Look at your session as a puzzle or an art form. Stop getting involved in the client’s problems. Stop visualizing when they tell their stories. This will make you get emotionally involved with them. You won’t be able to do your job effectively if this happens.
  7. Not trusting the practitioner or the healing modality: Most of the time, people don’t trust the healing modality because it doesn’t involve medication or the practitioner is not a doctor/psychologist. Another reason is they have tried everything and nothing works for them. They may feel it is more wasted time or it may not work like last time. As a practitioner myself, I can say with confidence that “it is absolutely OK”. The solution is to show them the testimonials from previous clients or giving them contacts of previous happy clients(only with the consent from previous clients). This will give the new clients build trust for you. Tip: Take written testimonials from happy clients and let the new clients make their own choice. If someone has had enough with their problems they drop the resistance to experience positive change. Focus on them and give your best to them. 
  8. Lying to the practitioner about problems: Clients may lie to the practitioner about the problems because they don’t want to tell the ugly stuff about them or they are simply scared. This might happen if they see that you are being judgemental as a practitioner. This is about fear of letting anyone know how bad things really are, not lying but they might be afraid that nothing can change. The solution is to tell them that you are not judging them at all. You may also sign the nondisclosure agreement with the clients to gain their trust. Even after doing all this they lie then let it go and take them on their face value.
  9. Not paying for the sessions: Some clients may not pay for the sessions or quit in-between because they feel that there are many changes required to make them feel better and that involves more money. As a practitioner, you may charge for 3 sessions in advance so that they don’t quit before the transformation is complete. If the client requires only 2 sessions you can always refund the money taken for the extra session. Make sure to explain your terms clearly to them before starting a session. Clear and frank communication is a solution to all the problems. You can also give them a cost-effective package deal because when people see that they are saving money and getting the benefit they are ready to pay.

I hope these tips help you do better. This is my personal experience so it is tested and tried. I can say with confidence that these solutions work for me but you are free to try them and see if they work for you.

My last tip for you: Be gentle with yourself and keep on working on yourself all the time because that is the greatest investment you will ever make. Keep on studying about your healing modality and excel in what you do. Take every good/bad experience as a learning and you will do just fine.

  • June 29, 2020