This word “Emotional Intelligence” is no rocket science.It simply means that we must teach children of all the ages how they can handle their emotions intelligently and get whatever they want in life or stay away from stress.
Lets first understand with an example what this word really means.
Imagine a 4 year old kid who loves to draw sketches. Now when this child shows these sketch to someone in the family they laugh at him saying “you can’t draw at all”. This memory sticks with that kid for his entire life and the worst outcome of this scenario is that he stops drawing completely and starts doing something he is not criticised for. So basically he kills his love of drawing for the rest of his life because of few words from someone he knows.
This is exactly what happens to us all the time until we take control of the situation.
Now, the same kid instead of listening to the words “you can’t draw at all” just ignores them and continues to draw, gets best at it and makes it his passion and source of income instead of doing something he doesn’t love.
Which scenario is better? Of course the second one! The way that kid in the second scenario handled the situation is called as Emotional Intelligence. Let me tell you something, as children we are not responsible for what learnings we pick up but when we grow up we are 100% responsible for everything that we choose for us.
When children are exposed to unhealthy environments they naturally pickup ideas from their surroundings and start behaving the same, because they don’t know any better. As parents and teachers, it is our responsibility to teach children to filter those memories and experiences so that they can take only positive things from it. In my humble opinion this is the true form of EDUCATION. This emotional freedom is highly necessary to be taught in schools.
Memories can heal or kill us. The choice is entirely ours. Lets do an awesome exercise together.
Recall a memory from your childhood of someone criticising you. If you don’t have such a memory, pick any memory that you don’t like about your childhood.
Follow the The amazing tapping technique Its very easy 🙂
Can you believe how wonderful this technique is when it is applied to memories like sexual abuse, criticism, separation of parents, parents fighting with each other, having no friends, someone beating us, making fun of us, not getting good grades in school and being compared with siblings or anyone else.
Using this Simple Tapping Solution tool you can help children:
- Delete their emotional problems immediately
- Get better emotional health
- Become free to reach their true potential
- Learn to get everything they ever wish for
- Make right choices for themselves because they will not have bad references to recall from the past
- Focus on better things
- Reduce aggressiveness and become calmer
- Set goals and achieve them
- Respect themselves and others
- Dream and achieve big targets in life
- Beat the fears and phobias
- Get optimum health by thinking right
- Be motivated and enthusiastic
- Not get addicted to anything that might harm them
- Set empowering beliefs
- Have better relationships with friends, parents and relatives
- Get better understanding of the situations
- Shield themselves from the negative happening around
- And the most important “We are teaching them how to love and accept themselves”
Imagine a child with all the above advantages. This is not a dream anymore. It can be brought into reality if we start teaching Emotional Intelligence as subject in schools.
I believe that no education system teaches these essential skills for living. I believe very strongly, that the true form of education is when we get what we want with the knowledge that we have, otherwise we are just people with lot of information. The best thing about Simple Tapping Solution Solution is that it is too easy to apply and the changes can be experienced immediately. You don’t even have to believe in it. It will still help you. It works wonders especially with children because they are so creative and open for changes.
Lets make this world a better place to live by teaching our children this amazing concept of Emotional Intelligence and give them the greatest gift of this wonderful tool. Nothing else you will ever have to give them because they will learn to get it all by themselves.
Thank you for reading.